Have you ever wondered what makes us who we are? How do we form the beliefs we form and how do those beliefs affect how we live our lives. What is meaningful in your life and what is missing or needs to change for you to become the best version of you that you can be.
These and many other questions like them were the start of an amazing journey of personal development and self discovery that I have made in the last 20 years. I have found answers to these questions and I have also found new questions that continue to lead me into an inspiring world of discovery about myself and my view of life and how I choose to live it.
I have studied, researched and experienced many areas of life while finding answers to my questions and I am passionate about helping others to find their answers too.
Life Experience
In 1997, with two children under the age of three, my husband and I moved to Perth to start a new life. At first I found it very hard – I knew no one in Australia. My husband worked long hours in the city and I was left at home by myself with my young family. I’d left my support network back in England and had to find an inner strength and confidence to move forward on my own and, on the way, learn how to parent two boys and make those important new friends.
At times I felt lonely and sorry for myself but I learnt to think in a new positive way. I overcame a lot of self doubt and ultimately proved to myself that I could do it whilst also enjoying the process. I learnt to really value what I COULD achieve. I learnt to see disappointments as feedback, to learn from them and move on.
I have now lived in Perth for over 20 years and who I am today owes alot to the many lessons I learnt when I first made my life in Australia.
Business Experience
Over 35 years of work experience has truly developed my mentoring and training skills. I have been responsible for managing and motivating teams of people and delivering presentations to staff and directors alike.
I have held positions in small, fledgling businesses that have given me invaluable management experience and at the same time enabled me to become involved in forward planning and financial performance analysis.
Community Experience
Since moving to Perth I have been actively involved as a volunteer with St John Ambulance. Over the past 18 years my role developed from a First Aid Trainer to Divisional Manager responsible for a team of 140 First Aid volunteers, now reporting directly to the State Office assisting with the development of state policy.
As a Volunteer Ambulance Officer my role grew and with it my own challenges. I found
enjoyment in being part of the Event Command Team that takes charge of running First Aid facilities at many of WA’s large events: Big Day Out, Perth Royal Show and Skyworks, to name a few, and organises teams of over 100 volunteers, equipment, communications networks and First Aid response vehicles.
In 2011 I was nominated for the Norma Wreford award, and in 2012 I was rewarded with admission into the Order of St John in Australia for services to St John Ambulance. In 2016 I was awarded St John Ambulance Event Health Volunteer of the Year. I have also been working with the Event Health Services Leadership team as a professional development coach. I have also spent 6 years volunteering with CLAN WA in the role of home visits, helping parents with children up to 12 years identify their strengths and develop resilience in their parenting role, encouraging and supporting then through times of transition for them and their families.
Professional affiliations
International Coach Federation member since 2012, credentialed Associate Certified Coach since 2013.
International Coach Federation credentialed Professional Certified Coach since 2015
PCC requirements are:
- Completion of an ICF Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP).
- Demonstrated completing 500 hours (450 paid) of coaching experience.
- Successfully completed the Coach Knowledge Assessment (CKA).
Licensed to administrator the Print (personal motivation) Assessment Tool.