Since delving into the 3 Principles with Lorna I’ve learned to recognise and understand various behaviours of our staff members. I’ve been able identify how staff process their understanding of a situation and how their current thinking is affecting their behaviour. It’s been an eye opener and helped me to better calibrate my responses to those around me. I look forward to understanding more about how the principles can be applied to everyday situations.”
D – Perth Waldorf School
In what way has your coaching experience helped you?
It helped me gain a better understanding of my mind and how things work. I have learned to adapt and how to control my emotional response to situations. I have also developed a better sleep routine and no longer spend hours before bed tossing & turning while overthinking.
Would you recommend Oakwood Inspirational to your family, friends and colleagues?
Yes 100%. I’ve already talked about some of my experience with family members and explained how much it’s helped me.
Katie – Canarvon
Lorna’s coaching has helped me to change negative thinking patterns and bad habits. Coaching has helped me achieve my goals of getting a job and refocus on a more positive path.
I would absolutely recommend Oakwood Inspirational to my family members, friends and colleagues.
Todd – Dianella
It’s been great to book scheduled time in to reflect and review where I am at mentally and physically. I normally put reflective processes to the bottom of my list so it has been great to be “forced” to sit down and think. It’s also helped me clarify what my root issues are and how I might be able to transform my thinking.
I appreciated the questions that Lorna used but also her ability to take everything I said and state it back to me in a clearer, understandable way.
Emma – Koogamia
Lorna helped me rediscover ways that keep me on track to being the best version of myself. I have already recommended Oakwood Inspirational to my family, friends and colleagues and will continue to do so.
Greg – Perth W
I approached Lorna in 2020 to be my coaching mentor as I prepared to become an ICF accredited coach myself. Picking her out of a panel of coaches, I was impressed with her years of experience and approach to mentorship which I found hands-on, expansive and flexible. Not only was she able to provide constructive feedback on coaching scenarios I faced but also, gave me the confidence to trust my own style of coaching. I valued her insights as a PCC coach and also as an independent coaching professional. Thank you, Lorna, for all the tips, advice and insights you provided me as I continue my coaching practice!
E – Perth
Speaking with Lorna helped clarify my thoughts and develop some goals. It gave me courage because if felt that I had talked through some of my doubts and plans and had reality tested them with a wise friend/ coach. I have already recommended Lorna to others.
Fay – Maylands
I started life coaching after having done a couple of self-development type courses and felt like I needed something else to continue my new way of thinking. I still felt like there was more to uncover about myself and I found Lorna after doing a search on the internet. My first phone call with Lorna made me feel at ease and I felt very comfortable being open and honest with her about why I wanted to do life coaching. Instantly I felt like Lorna could relate to me and was able to verbalise things in a way that I connected with and understood. This made my decision to go ahead with life coaching an easy one and my transformative coaching began and took place over 6 sessions.
I made several goals at the start of the life coaching, one of them being to discover more about me as a person and who I am and another one being to better my relationship with my partner as I kept having the same issues.
Life coaching for me was confronting at times as Lorna really gets you to look deep and what I uncovered in each session really surprised me and wasn’t always good things of course. I discovered things about myself that made a lot of sense as to why I did certain things and behaved the way I did.
The way in which life coaching has helped me has been immense and really has impacted all areas of my life. My relationship has taken on a new dimension where we are able to open up with one another and communicate on a level where we can be completely honest and not worry about the reaction of the other person. I can honestly say that I fell in love with my partner all over again as I started to see him in a new light and not in the old way as someone who wasn’t going to commit to me. It has helped with my relationships with friends and work colleagues and in general has opened up to me how powerful my thoughts have been in shaping my life in a negative way at times, instead of focusing on the present.
Lorna has this way of making you discover all of this by really listening and coaching you throughout. I will continue to do life coaching as it’s like any new skill, you need to keep practicing as there is never an end result, life continues and so does learning.
I have spoken with several family members and friends about my life coaching and have recommended Lorna to others who have expressed interest themselves. I think life coaching is a really useful tool to experience.
Diane – Morley
Working through the Print report with Lorna has helped me look at specifics of shadow traits and how I can work with them.I would absolutely recommend Lorna’s coaching to others.
Susan R – Innaloo
Almost immediately after meeting Lorna, I chose to do Transformative coaching, simply because it felt right. The principles transformative coaching is based on resonate so deeply with me and where I am on my spiritual journey – plus Lorna’s approach to coaching just made me feel completely supported and at ease on this journey.
She has this natural (and amazing) gift of being able to truly hear what you are saying, even when you have no idea what you’re talking about or if it even makes sense. She has opened my mind further to my internal world and the world around me, simply by mirroring my thoughts, fears, questions, and ways of being back to me; enabling further growth and understanding of who I really am.
I won’t lie, I have had moments along the way where I thought is this really helping me, what am getting from this, but it is such an organic process that is completely driven by you, Lorna is so supportive and unbiased – it really is transformative the way I am able to open up to my own insights simply by talking things through for an hour! It’s like having a friend to confide in, but one that comes with no preconceived ideas about who you are or the decisions you have or haven’t made in life, what is best for you, what you should be doing, she sees you just the way you are and as if she has a window into your soul. She has helped me understand myself and how I want to ‘do life’ according to my truth and my knowing.
She has given me tools to use in all areas of my life, things that seem so minor at the time have the biggest effect if you pay attention. Coaching with Lorna really is indescribable, it is something you really have to give yourself over to and experience for yourself. I don’t think I will ever stop coaching with Lorna, whether it be once a month or twice a year, she is such a valuable piece to this puzzle of life.
I have already recommended Lorna to others.
Renee P – East Fremantle
Coaching with Lorna has made me realise that what I’ve been telling myself that I should be doing is not consistent with what I want to be doing and what will make me happy. I found Lorna’s coaching sessions to be very productive and I would certainly recommend to others.
Rob – Attadale
In my role as Operations Manager for a state wide not-for-profit organisation, Oakwood Inspirational’s coaching has helped my team and I develop meaningful experiences to better support our team of leaders.
We became clearer about our objectives, and used compelling language to communicate the high regard in which we held our leaders.
Kalie – Perth
Had a fantastic coaching session with Lorna – highly recommended.
Kay – Perth
Coaching with Lorna has helped me to gain clarity and understanding of what I am capable of and how to move forward after a highly stressful life event. The ‘Print’ personality profile was very helpful indeed and has greatly contributed towards recognising what makes me “me” and how to harness the attributes which can bring about success.
I would absolutely recommend Lorna. I think everyone should engage a life coach – the possibilities can become endless!
Suzanne – Kallarooo
It (coaching) has given me perspective and direction, which I really needed. Lorna has helped me to see things in a different light and look forwards and plan for the future. I would recommend Lorna as I think the different programs can be adapted to different people’s needs and goals.
Clara – Wembley Downs
Given me the confidence to keep at it.
Marque – Pinjarra
Lorna was very easy to talk to and sometimes just having someone to talk to who will listen and understands can be a huge help. I received some good ideas and tips on how to keep myself motivated and online with my goals and also a different way of looking at things.
Janine – Tom Price
My coaching experience with Lorna has helped me realize that there are changes I need to make and I now know who I really am. It has challenged my thinking and opened my mind. I am acknowledging the principles in life.
I would definitely recommend Oakwood Inspirational to my family, friends and colleagues.
Sarah – Beeliar
I learned to understand where my own thought processes come from and how to stop thoughts feeling like reality.
Frazer – Nedlands
Lorna’s coaching helped me to identify when and how I am feeling or thinking and to be more aware of myself (mentally).
F>B – Perth
Coaching has been really helpful with me dealing with my anxiety attacks that look like anger toward other people. I would recommend Oakwood Inspirational to anyone and everyone who needs the help with their problems within their lives.
Paul – Clarkson
It has been transformative indeed. I changed my previous habit of thinking too much and learned to listen to my intuition. Lorna has helped me change my whole life for the better. I would, absolutely, recommend her. I want as many people as possible to feel as good as I do now. The concepts were so clear and easy to follow.
Lisa – Claremont
Dear Lorna,
Thank you so much for the invaluable experience that your life coaching and (more significantly for me) the further transformative coaching sessions have provided to me.
I initially believed what I came to you seeking was improved communication and understanding in my personal relationships and making the transition to a major career change and a challenging return to studies in the medical profession.
With your help and guidance I was able to achieve all this and more, however through your further transformative coaching sessions I realised there was something even greater and fundamental I was searching for.
This was a deeper understanding of myself, and the unlocking of my inner wisdom to enable me to balance my thoughts and reactions to the external world, no matter what may be thrown my way.
With your help I have found a deep-seated inner well of contentment and personal fulfilment, and I am secure in the knowledge that I have the capabilities, personal integrity and wisdom to maintain my own happiness and choose how I show up in the world for myself and for others.
With your help I have gone from a repair and healing process to one of building and personal growth and development, so far beyond fixing just what’s wrong! I am truly grateful and excited about continuing in this process and unlocking my further growth and potential with you.
I would recommend your life coaching and in particular further transformative coaching sessions to anyone who wants to reach their potential in any field or profession, create or build on existing strengths and successes, and develop a deep understanding of themselves to unlock their inner strength and wisdom.
Thank you so much!
Russell, Mr Lawley area
It (coaching) has helped me in so many ways. Helped me to understand that my thoughts are my own and that I am in control of my own life and happiness. Coaching has guided me down the correct paths within my thinking to gain confidence and love myself again.
Melissa – Byford
In just two sessions with amazing Lorna I was able to unclutter the mess I was in from looking for a new house, time for career change, relationship burden etc and achieve clarity. I still have a lot more to do but the direction is now much clearer. I would recommend her 100% , I have already recommended it to my wife and friends.
Jimi – Perth
I decided to see a life coach when I found myself stuck, with no clear direction of where I wanted to go and with little confidence in what I perhaps had to offer, and did I even want to offer it? I had been an expat spouse in SE Asia for 10 years and upon returning to Perth found myself in that cliched box of a middle-aged mother trying to return to the workforce in one way or another.
When I first met with Lorna I thought it was with the goal of helping me find which career path to take, but, in actual fact it developed into something much more holistic and life changing. Through our sessions, we came to the realisation that,. what I was really in need of was life coaching. Throughout our sessions, I came to realise that my internal thinking and my approach to events was what was holding me back from whatever I wanted to achieve. Lorna helped me to view things in a much clearer way, to recognise that my ‘fear’ was no more than a story that I had created over the years and that, what I called my default reaction to things, was again a story and by letting go of that story, the fear disappears and wisdom takes its place.
It is, of course, always an ongoing process, but seeing Lorna opened my eyes to how I was holding myself back and that if you allow yourself to be open to possibilities, to let go of the fear of what might happen, or of what might go wrong, you can sit right at the top of the elevator where you can see all around you and what you can achieve, instead of being down in the basement.
Emma – Mt Claremont
Personality print:
Although I was initially sceptical, doing the Personality Print was a light bulb moment for me. At a time when I felt lost and had little value for myself as a person, it reminded me of my motivators in life, and that I have positive and less positive aspects of myself, like anybody. Now I can recognise why I might be thinking or acting a certain way, I can work on it if I feel the need.
It’s difficult to say exactly how I have changed since seeing Lorna because it has become so ingrained! I think that Lorna’s coaching has changed the way I think about myself and life in general. I have learned how to be more resilient, how to let things go, and become more confident. It’s a comfort to know that if I’m having a hard time managing in life, I can see Lorna again and get back on track.
Katie – South Perth
I decided to seek help from a life coach when I was on the recovery path from depression/anxiety and needed that last push to get back on track and gain clarity on what was holding me back from feeling free to enjoy happiness. I chose Lorna after a fair bit of research on life coach’s in Perth as she was genuine and motivated to find out my issues and help me solve them. I was unsure of how life coaching worked but Lorna was great at asking questions, getting me talking and finding the ‘flaw’ in my way of thinking / behaving that was preventing myself from being able to relax, enjoy myself and be happy. She would be able to pick out seemingly small things to change or work on that have had massive impacts on my enjoyment of life and personal relationships, even within the first few days of giving it a go. I was amazed at her ability to read people and situations as well as be able to immediately come up with an action plan to achieve the change / goal that would make me happy. I would leave an hour session with Lorna feeling much happier, more confident and motivated to keep improving. She has also helped me gain clarity on my thoughts towards my career and my desire for change, with an action plan in place for further study and working towards a brighter future.
I’ve already recommended Lorna to friends and family and will be straight back through her door if I feel I hit the stumbling blocks again!
Louise – East Fremantle
When I first met Lorna, I was at rock bottom. I could barely put one foot in front of the other as my depression and anxiety had taken my ability to see any good in the world or especially myself.
I cried through my first initial meeting with her, and didn’t really know what I wanted out of my sessions with her. She could have told me that I was going to turn the sky pink and I would have agreed with her.
I had no idea what a life coach was or how she would be able to help me so I entered into my sessions with trepidation.
Lorna has a calming and soothing personality and immediately put me at ease. She was able to coax out of me things that I didn’t even know I really wanted to achieve in my life.
I worked with her to find ways to cope with underlying issues that had frustrated me for years, that I didn’t know how to
verbalise until she asked the pertinent questions to probe deep into where they had hidden.Week by week my goals changed, as I achieved them an moved onto bigger and harder goals to challenge myself. At no time did Lorna allow me to use her words to explain myself or my feelings, I always maintained ownership of how my session were progressing.
During my time with Lorna, almost six months, I moved from that shell of a person who would not look at anyone sideways with no direction or desire or self worth. To a person who created a home based business, applied for and carried out a short course at TAFE , applied for jobs (never before had I done that), carried out my second ever job interview in my 45 years and changed professions.
I now have direction as to where I would like to see my life heading. I believe in myself, my abilities and my needs. I feel more positive about my abilities to succeed and fully develop my goals. I still read over my action plans that Lorna sent after each session. Not only do they refresh me on where I am heading, when the smaller details of life get In the way, but they also remind me of how far I have come, which I can attribute to the amazing guidance Lorna provided.
I will forever be thankful to the friend who cared enough to give me her name.
Meaghan – Kardinya
Lorna Stewart has been welcoming, caring and professional.
Natalie – Perth WA
She has helped me tremendously in a short amount of time.
I recommend her to anyone who needs that little push in the right direction!
Thank you so much for all your help Lorna.
I just want to express how grateful I am to have met you and thank you for your excellent services.
Everything in life is about timing and your services came into my life with perfect timing.
Your professional skills quickly allowed you to identify areas in my life that needed change and I honestly believe without your help I may not have reached higher ground and life satisfaction so soon.
I love how you follow up our action plans to ensure that I was achieving my goals and all in a professional yet positive manner whereby you were ensuing my tail was chased but in such a way to excite me to achieve my action plan therefore achieving results.
I’m so delighted that all your guidance & goal setting helped me achieve my grounding with my family and my new professional direction.
Thank you so much, I will recommend your services to everybody and I’ll certainly be back soon to get your medicine for my next direction.
Michele – Aveley
All this year I have been going through major changes in my life. One of these changes is related to what I do for living. I wasn’t happy with my current career, thus one of my friends suggested to get a life coach. I wasn’t sure about the idea; hence I look into different options. During this process of searching I bumped into Lorna’s webpage and I immediately felt related to Lorna’s history and knew she would be able to connect with me and bring some light into the dark space I was at that time.
Connie – West Perth
During our sessions I was able to confirm I made the right decision. Lorna help me to step into my personal power to seek clarity regarding what I really wanted for my life and my career. She supported me emotionally and gave the tools necessary to take that last step needed for making a decision. Now I am in the process of transitioning from my old career to the new one and I feel so excited about it! I am finally starting to live my personal dream. I would recommend Lorna to anyone that is seeking some guidance and answers. She will definitively assist you in finding the right path for you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Lorna!
Reaching out for life coaching during one of the most difficult periods in my life so far made me stop to think “what do I want?”. Lorna showed me how to break down my jumble of general life “wants” into identified specific goals, and remain focused on achieving specific actions rather than losing my focus entirely and allowing myself to be totally bombarded, from having too many options and therefore achieving nothing. It’s also good to know that I can take a break, work on my immediate action plan and then get back in contact again to map out the next stage in my life and the various hurdles that come with living life.
Jacqui – Margaret River
Oakwood Inspirational offers a beautiful, gentle & friendly approach to life coaching.
Lorna had this amazing ability to understand where I was at the first time I met with her. With her trust & guidance and my sense of security I knew I had safe ground to walk on enabling me to release a huge emotional block that had been holding me back for many months.
In a few short weeks with Lorna’s support I was able to make so many more positive life changes. These changes enabled me to give up my struggles & be free of a past I was so stuck in, no longer being held prisoner to my own fear. This now allowing space for some beautiful personal awakenings to come through… So long awaited.
Thank you so much Lorna for your action plans & strategies and most of all for encouraging me to focus on what I want in my life & believing in me enough to allow me to own my own strengths & believe in myself enough to walk away free from what was holding me back, I now honour where I am at, embrace who I am & most of all I am enjoying this new beginning of my life’s journey…
Rosie – Fremantle
I had reached a time in my life whereby I realised I needed some help to ‘sort myself out’ so I was able to move forward into a happier and more fulfilling future. Lorna was really a random selection from the Internet for me, but I could not have been happier with the outcome of our sessions. For some time I had been bogged down in negativity and had pretty much painted myself into a corner from which I seemed unable to escape. Lorna very skilfully and effectively gave me the encouragement, strategies and suggestions to enable me to see the ‘other side’ of issues and uncover many underlying problems which I had not previously been able to identify, let alone do anything about. While some areas of my life will still be a work in progress for a little while, I am astounded at how much better I feel and am very happy that I now have the strategies at my finger tips to allow me to move more confidently into the future. I will always be extremely grateful for what she has encouraged me to accept, resolve and achieve and for the fact that I now have a much more confident and positive outlook.
Karen – Northern WA
I am so thankful I came in to see you. It has made a huge difference to how I spend my time and I feel much calmer and in control of my time.
Emily – Nedlands
I turned to Lorna as I wanted to find a career that would make my heart sing. She listened intently, provided nurturing support and challenged me to take the steps to identify and pursue my passion. Lorna gave me the courage and confidence to move forward by encouraging me to embark on a new direction in order to discover whether it’s the right one.
Rebecca – Perth
When I started writing this I thought “Ah, this will be easy” but when I got down to it I found myself wondering, for some time, what to write.
It eventually dawned on me that, when I first started with you, it felt like I had an enormous amount on my plate to deal with physically – having do “stuff”, emotionally – having to deal with “stuff” and trying to plan a future – what I am going to do “stuff”.
In a very short space of time I managed to work my way through all this, which I was mildly aware of but what I was not fully conscious of was the ease with which it was happening. So much so that if it were not for the Action Plans I might have missed myself doing it altogether.
Reflecting on things, I am very happy with my achievements but equally with a couple of fairly significant personal realisations and the development of some personal skills – most notably the decision making process.
Lorna your help and guidance is gentle and subtle,…which has a certain surety about it, and with some pretty significant results, I am truly gratefully – thank you.”
Chris _ Glen Forest
Life coaching with Lorna has helped me in so many areas of my life. I was a very anxious person who had minimum confidence in myself and I held a lot of anger, these issues became too much for me and I did not know how to deal with it all which was preventing me from living my life.
Lorna helped me to put each issue into a clear, more manageable picture and led me to find the right tools to tackle the problem, I found it so refreshing to talk to someone who did not just give me a text book response or answer but who led me to a realistic and personalized solution while being both caring and professional.
She challenged my way of thinking which I was sure there was no hope of changing, and this new thinking has lead to such positive results in so many aspects of my life.
I now feel free and in control of my thoughts and actions.
I would recommend Lorna to any one feeling lost or in need of guidance in any aspect of their lives.
Laura – Kensington
Lorna’s coaching technique is to human development as watering is to plants – it results in purposeful growth!
Lorna has a natural talent for forging a path of friendship and caring while connecting with the core issues that have flustered me.
She was able to peel back the extraneous layers and help shine a torch light around the dark corners of not only my mind but also my life, and highlight the most pertinent and urgent issues that needed to be dealt with as a matter of priority.
By helping me explore alternative solutions and guiding me to test my levels of intention, commitment and enthusiasm, the onus of growth in career and family matters remained my responsibility – but she kept me on track!
I am still the one who had to make the final choices – but I have been grateful to Lorna for accompanying me along my spiritual journey of discovery with her insightful, cheerful approach and skilful coaching.
I would recommend her highly to anyone who wishes to get more out of their life and find their passion.
Sholeh – Subiaco
Life Coaching has made a difference to my life.
Lorna explained that with her expertise as a trained Life Coach she could help me to help myself. She was excellent at finding out what my issues and concerns were and delivered a professional approach which helped me achieve a positive outcome.
At first I was sceptical but as we moved through the hourly sessions together, I felt the benefits of Lorna as a Life Coach. I am feeling more positive and assertive in myself.
Lorna is a caring and insightful person and above all professional.
Life coaching gives you the key to open up that door to well being and happiness.
Nikki – Mosman Park
I really enjoyed being coached by Lorna Stewart tonight. Lorna took me on a journey of self discovery and gave me the space and freedom to be able to let me work out for myself what was going on for me beyond the frustration and anger.
This set me free and helped me to be able to come UNSTUCK in a very short space of time. Well done Lorna !!
Louise – Joondalup
It was very emotional reading your email this morning and I was thinking about the whole thing when I was walking the dog on the beach this morning.
That was an amazing thing you did Lorna and so quickly !!!!! In therapy that would have been 10 sessions and medication !!!!
I am so grateful to you.
Sarah – Dalkeith