Returning to the workforce after having a baby can be very overwhelming.

After a career break many Mums can find it a bit daunting thinking about returning to work.
Maybe the type of work you previously did has moved on significantly as technology improves and you feel ‘out of touch’ with current working practises. Perhaps your feelings about your previous job has changed now and you are considering making a career change but are not quite sure about what you would like to do instead.
You may have questions about coping with the extra demands of employment outside the home or whether it is beneficial for the children to have Mum return to work. How will it all work?
It can be quite overwhelming with all the things that you are considering and quite normal to feel like you are going around in circles and not making much headway.
Working Mums can be a great source of learning for children and whatever reason you have for choosing to return to work you really can make it work for all the family. It is beneficial for children to see that you have a role other than being their Mum and that role is in the wider community and has a purpose. It is particularly important for a daughter to see Mum feeling happy and contented managing to work outside of the home and raise a family.
It can really raise your self esteem and give you variety in your life to return to work but it is important that you feel comfortable with all your decisions and that you are happy in the work you have chosen to return to.